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What colours is HuskeeCup available in?

Natural and Charcoal

Is HuskeeCup recyclable?

Not through standard recycling streams, we however do recycle them ourselves!

Is HuskeeCup BPA free?


Is HuskeeCup reusable?


Is HuskeeCup dishwasher friendly?


Is HuskeeCup microwave safe?


What is the HuskeeOriginal Range?

Our core range. Made from coffee husky that forms the basis of each cup, saucer and lid.

How do I dispose of a HuskeeCup at the end of its life?

Drop it off at a HuskeeSwap site!

How do HuskeeCups come packaged?

HuskeeCups are available as 4-Packs or as Single Cup&Lid Combos.

What is the environmental measure of using HuskeeCups over other materials?

Over the lifecycle of a cup, the environmental benefits increase when reused.

What are HuskeeCup's Dimensions?

See the below chart for all HuskeeCup sizes.

What's the best way to clean and care for HuskeeCups?

HuskeeCups need to be cared for differently than ceramics or glass as they are a much softer material. Please follow the below advice to ensure you have longer-lasting cups.

Are there any hazardous materials or chemicals in the composition of HuskeeCup?


Does HuskeeCup affect flavour?


What other food and drink can I use my HuskeeCup for?

Get creative!

What are HuskeeCup's thermal properties and is HuskeeCup hot to hold?

No, HuskeeCup is not hot to hold.

What is HuskeeCup made from?

HuskeeCups are made from repurposed coffee husk and a food safe polymer.

Does HuskeeCup fit in my car cupholder?

Yes, mostly.

Where are HuskeeCups made?

HuskeeCups are made in close proximity to where we source coffee husk from.